Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life's like a box of chocolates

So Gabe qualifies for First Steps for fine motor skills and speech. Speech, there's a surprise. Anyways, OT who evaluated him and OT who will be doing his therapy both think that he has some sensory issues that can be helped. He did good with his first session today.

Though we are seeing progress with Gabriel, unfortunately the bad days are getter harder and worse. All the time and energy we have invested seem to be going nowhere. Which leads to our frustration, then his frustration, and the snowball effect. About two weeks ago he stopped wanting to nap well. It has been a fight everyday for his naps. Sometimes he will only fuss, and then wake up early. Many other times he is screaming his bloody head off and refuses to go to sleep, unless I pick him up and hold him (probably sometimes not even then). We were informed that we needed to seek therapy for him. Yup, it's official. We are not the typical adoption situation we were familiar with. No wonder it's seemed harder. And yesterday I found out that the total cost of the therapy he needs with one guy will be $5,000-10,000! Same day he screamed for his naps, same day Addison broke down, saying she misses spending time with me. Same day I broke down (among many) trying to figure out how we can afford that. God provided my lot in Shipshe to be sold for us to afford his adoption, but that has mostly been spent. Oh, and same night that he decided to scream out when being put to bed at night, which he hasn't done since we started sleep training. Luckily I was able to call a friend and bawl on her shoulder through the phone.

Today I found out that we can get therapy through someone else at Bethany, of which they charge $100/hour, instead of the $174/hour that Mr. Wonderful charges. I also found out that we might be able to get state assistance for it, and that there is someone in West Lafayette that has studied attachment and has a private practice. Not sure about that, but I need to look into it. I'm willing to pay some for services, but $10,000? And we still haven't paid for Lauren's ears, and Steve's car has over 160,000 miles on it. And has anyone noticed the job market? Steve's job should be secure, but there are no guarantees in life, and we've been through that before.

Praise the Lord that Gabriel was able to sleep through the night last night. Praise the Lord that Gabriel napped easily and well today. He did cry out again tonight, but Steve was able to go back in and calm him down. Never know what tonight or tomorrow will bring. You know, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being so honest on your blog. I am sorry that you are having these issues with Gabe. We are praying for you all.
