Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthdy to us, edited version

Steve and I had good birthdays, including going to the waterpark with the kids, going on a date by ourselves to see Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me in concert, and a Korean feast of food.

Gabriel is starting to show signs of attachment. Must be all those prayers going up for us. He is looking into my eyes for much longer periods, wanting to be on or near me most of the time, and crying when we are not present. We had him in his Sunday school class for the first time by himself this past Sunday, and he made it 15 minutes. It's good because he is showing signs of attachment to us. Gabriel is eating table foods with us! I can't say that he is chewing them, but he is taking them and moving them in his mouth and swallowing. He's not gagging or throwing up. Still not walking, but he is cruising along the furniture.

Sleeping is getting worse. He has been waking up earlier and earlier each day, and taking shorter and shorter naps. I have tried everything that I was told and then not told to do. He refused to sleep. I've come to conclusion that he is strong-willed. If anyone has any hints that help with strong willed children, please let me know.

I wish I could say I'm handling things better, but I'm not. I'm becoming angry and venting it his way.

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