Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Little Fun

One of these days, I'll remember to post some pictures. We have some fun ones. Gabe has enjoyed wearing hats lately, as well as the falling leaves. We are doing ok in the Edwards household. Gabe has continued to show slow growth in his attachment to us. We are having a few "normal" days, and his sleep has continued to go better for naps. Sometimes they are 45 minute naps, but at least he is going down without throwing a big fit. I just pray this continues.

Thanks for praying for Steve's back. He is feeling MUCH better. I think he has become a firm believer in chiripractors.

This weekend is our church group's annual camping trip to Turkey Run State Park. Gabe got a high fever from his shots, and Steve ended up staying home with him Friday, so I could take the girls down friday night. Gabe felt better and they joined us today (Saturday). The kids are having a blast, and are dirtier than ever. It was somewhat disappointing to me, as Addison just wanted to hang out with all the kids, and I wanted to hang out with her and Lauren. But I'm glad they are having a good time. Gabe and I left them so Steve and the girls could enjoy one more night of camping. I may have got the better end of the deal, since it was raining and thundering when I left. Here's to hoping the tent stays dry!

Had our final visit with our Social Worker last week, found out that Gabe hasn't gained all that much weight (but he is near his growth curve), and our adoption finalization is in October! Also was told that Gabe probably doesn't have RAD, but it was likely needed for insurance purposes. I don't know, all we can do is just keep going forward and trying our best with the knowledge we've been given.

Thank you for your continued prayers. They are definitely being heard and felt. Please don't stop!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I was looking through the paperwork we had from the therapist and noticed that there was a diagnosis code listed. I decided to look it up, thinking I already had, but I guess I hadn't. What was there was Reactive Attachment Disorder. And it just hit me; it was official. Gabriel has Reactive Attachment Disorder, likely one of the biggest fears to come true when you adopt. Of course, then I think, he's not really THAT bad, is he? Or is he? It should be obvious, but just hit me like a load of bricks.

To me, Gabriel's attachment has leveled off, but to Steve Gabe's attachment to me in particular has gained. Except for sleep, the days seem to be more tolerable. He is definitely still showing signs of his sensory issues. I caught him several times today falling over for no reason. This is an issue with his sense of balance. It drove him nuts to be in Lauren's Pre-K class, it was just too much noise and stimulation. We are working on rewriting his goals with OT, as he is pretty much eating table foods with us, but needs work on other areas. He is still not walking.

Sleeping has been horrible the past week. Ironicly, Steve and I hammered out a plan for naps to implement last Friday. When I went to implement it, Gabe fell asleep without a cry. He hasn't done that for a nap for I think a month! The rest of the week I only had to go in one time, otherwise, he fell asleep the first time I laid him down. However, Sunday through Wednesday nights, Gabe woke up multiple times, sometimes every hour or two. The lack of sleep took it's toll, and I ended up with a migraine on Thursday and was beyond exhausted. God graced us with him only waking up at 9:15 Thursday night, but otherwise sleeping through to the morning. I can't tell you how much I needed that.

Lauren started Pre-K this week. She is in a 4 day program that is meant for older children. The teachers are just absolutely wonderful, and we thought she would do well in the class. Lauren is definitely not as socially capable as Addison was at this age, so this will probably be good for her. Though she is an absolute doll to me, she doesn't engage with other kids much. She did not have the benefit of a playgroup like Addison did when she was young. I hope she is able to develop this skill this year. She very much enjoys going to school.

Addison is doing well in school, and will be starting choir and Korean school in the next week. She would like to do Girl Scouts or American Heritage Girls, but that is just too much. We try to stick to just one activity, but it is hard. I'm still hoping the girls can get some swimming lessons in this fall.

If you could please lift up a prayer for Steve, I'd appreciate it. He had complained of his back hurting, but then I watched him wincing getting into his car on Tuesday and told him he needed to do something about it. He made it to a chiropractor on Thursday night, who thinks it is inflamation and will give him treatments over the next week. He even had accupuncture and said that it felt good.

Menatlly, I'm a little better with Gabe not screaming for naps. However one hour off (he naps for one hour) is trying. It makes for a very long day. I have been blessed by a longtime friend whose kids are out of the house who has come over the past couple weeks to watch the kids for a bit in the afternoon so I can get away. This has been quite a blessing not only for me but for the kids as well, since she is so much fun.

Here's to hoping you all have/had a great Labor Day weekend. May you feel God's great love for you.