Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Birthday and notes

Yesterday was Lauren's 4th birthday. I can't believe she is 4! Most of the morning she struggled to get Mommy's attention and be a big helper. But she quietly loved her party at Chuck E Cheese. Though you couldn't tell from her outward appearance, her prayer that night said that she really enjoyed her party. Happy Birthday, my sweet girl.

Gabriel is starting to sleep better (we had a very rough couple nights last week), and recognizes his name. We are going through another transition with him, I think. Noticing less smiles the past couple days, and he has not ate very well the past 24 hours. Not sure if teething may also be the culprit.

Lauren hit her max patience with giving mommy over to Gabriel today. She was ultra slow/disobedient on getting dressed, eating, drinking, doing what I asked her to do, you name it. She then proceeded to dump sand on the floor, get scissors out, and try to play with bubbles indoors, all in the span of about an hour. I tried to get some time in with her after her nap, but she cried out, which woke up Gabe (possibly), which led to very little mommy time. Argh. I really miss her too.

Addison is still totally in love with her little brother. She gets the biggest smiles now. She is just her normal disobedient self.

Addison and I got to go to the Michael W Smith/Steven Curtis Chapman United Tour on Sunday night. She was a big grouch about going, but she just LOVED it. It was so much fun to do that with her. We really needed that time together.

I should be in bed, but at this point I might as well see who gets eliminated on American Idol:)


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