Thursday, May 21, 2009

We'll laugh about this later

So we put Gabe to bed last night, and being it is finally hot in Indiana, we left the blanket sleeper/sack off of him. He screamed for quite a while, so I went in to see if anything was wrong (he's been a bit sick this past week). Nothing was wrong, but he was not happy, and very tired, per the almost closed eyes. So I told him he was ok and left the room. He continued to cry hard, so I went back in and put him in the sleeper. I think he was asleep in 5 minutes. Who would have thought that he would attach himself to the sleeper! Do they make these in toddler size?

We bought the girls a swingset after much searching and trying to find something that wasn't outragously expensive. Reason being is that our old metal swingset that came with the house was crumbling apart. It is going to take us forever to get this thing together. Actually, it is going to take Steve forever to get this thing together. It's just a cheapy from Toys R Us (hard to say that with the price we paid), but hoping it will entertain and last through Gabriel.

Looking forward to Gabriel getting to meet (Lord willing) his great grandma and some other family this weekend that we haven't seen in a very long time. Hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful, safe Memorial Day weekend.

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