Wednesday, May 6, 2009

April showers bring May flowers

Here is a picture of Gabriel with one of his favorite toys, and words: ball

Not to be outdone, a couple weeks ago I was busy talking with a friend (surprise, surprise) and next thing I knew Lauren had (finally) grabbed her big girl bike with training wheels and started riding! Way to go Lauren!

Just a little pic of Mommy and Gabriel. We were trying to get a smile from him.

Hopefully in the next few weeks I can get some more pics, especially since he had his first haircut yesterday. It is so short compaired to what it was! Ok, it was probably close to 2 months since he had one, but still. He cried:( Then I found that he had either a rash on the back of his head, or he scratched it until it started to bleed. I guess we won't be doing frequent haircuts with him.

Sunday, April 19 or 26, he said his first English word for us. He said what sounded like "ball" and "apple." I ran and got a ball and an apple and just kept going over and over with him what they were. We heard them very frequently the first week or more, and he'll still say them throughout the day. The doctor said this would be very early (really questioning if he really was saying it). But I have witnesses. Last Sunday we laughed because during church he clearly said the sound "ah-pah," which is Korean for daddy. Our Korean friends were there and heard it too. So he's said daddy in English and Korean, but what about poor mom?

Well, he does make bubbles by saying "mmmmmah" so I'm working with him to try to say "mma mma." I got a couple today that sounded like mama, so I'm heading in the right direction. I also think I may be getting "kisses." He will come at me with his mouth wide open (and full of slobber), and plant it on my lips (or my cheek if I move fast enough:)). He also leaned into me a couple times that seemed like it may have been the start of a hug.

Last Monday, April 27, Gabriel started crawling on his hands and knees. Before he was doing the Army crawl. Well, now he loves the faster transportation that comes with crawling on his hands and knees, so he is going places!

Oh, and he is sleeping better again. 3 nights of through the night, followed by moaning throughout the night foa a few days, followed by 3 nights of sleeping through the night. After the moaning and drooling like Niagra Falls, I got some homeopathic teething tablets that my sister in law raved about with her son. Seemed to help. Naps are pretty set now, and I even was able to get him to nap in his pack and play this week, preparing for the great visit north to see Great Grandma Bonnie, Grandpa and Grandma Prough, and Grandpa Edwards.

Happy Mother's Day!

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