Thursday, May 28, 2009

What did you say?

We found out Tuesday that Lauren will have to have ear tubes put in again. Sigh. She was doing good before, but the doctor found fluid behind her ears at her appointment in March, and still there in April. A hearing test confirmed that she has some hearing loss in her right ear, and the left ear was starting to drain. It also could tell that the hearing loss was due to the fluid, and she would be fine once that was taken care of. So, Monday morning we will head off to get tubes placed. The third time this poor child has been under anesthesia!

Gabriel did get to meet his great-grandma, who loved him to death, and his Aunt Rei, Uncle Steve and cousins Toni and Amber and their significant others, and some good family friends. It was a good visit, and Steve and I actually got to go out! We put Gabriel to bed and went to see Night at the Museum. It was nice to get away. Unfortunately, Gabriel has not transitioned back home very well at all. He has been quite fussy, and threw a few temper tantrums, as far as we can tell. Today he has decided to skip his morning nap. Here's to hoping that he takes a long afternoon nap (knowing Gabriel, that is unlikely).

We are looking forward to seeing our social working from Bethany this weekend, seeing some friend we met through Bethany Christian Services, and a send off picnic to a family from our church that is moving on. And Grandma and Grandpa Prough arrive on Sunday night to help out during Lauren's surgery. We also are looking forward to Harabodgy (Korean Grandpa) coming next month for a visit. We'd love to see Halmoni (Korean Grandma) too, but the trip is too hard for her to take.

Here are some pictures.

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